srijeda, 2. ožujka 2016.

Dinosaurs are not extinct and fish do not have 3 second memory span

I opened this blog because my pal from work told me: when you write so much on youtube and blog :)
Interesting thing I learned about people is that in most cases people are stupid. Yes. Stupid. In this early 21. century we have something called "search engines" and they are used...listen carefully...for searching.
Interesting thing number 2 is that even in this times of web and search engines who made knowledge available in few secs and few letters people will argue with you for days (being completely wrong) and all that it takes is: google it for god sake.
I had great amount of idiots arguing with me about 2 facts recently:
- birds are dinosaurs
- fish have very good memory and are intelligent
Are you an idiot who argues without checking your facts? 

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